1. Drink Water
- Wait! This isn't anything new! I've read this a thousand times in a thousand other articles! I bet you have, because I have! I'm going to give you three tips on how to motivate yourself and accomplish this. Personally I really dislike the taste of water. But drinking water has so many benefits! So some things that have helped me, are the Ball Wide Mouth Mason Jar Infuser and Lid, using a glass instead of a plastic cup and having a larger container (like a 32 oz mason jar).
- I find it is much easier to drink the water I need when I can visually see the progress I am making toward 64oz/ day which would be two mason jars.
2. Track Calories & Exercise
- Apps that have helped me in this area are MyFitnessPal, which is free and Pact which is highly motivating, I'm still trial running it. So far it has worked really well and I will keep you updated on it.
- MyFitnessPal is better as a smart phone app, because it is more accessible, but also works pretty good on the lap top.
- Pact helps me get moving, because if I don't I have set it up to cost me money when I don't reach goals that I set myself and it pays me for when I accomplish those same goals.
3. Motivate Yourself
- Figure out what it is that makes it worth it. Whether it is getting friends involved or using apps so that you get money, or it is finding new hobbies that are fun and get you active! Fail forward toward success! My new hobbies this month are Biking, Dancing, and Yoga.
- I really love the DoYouYoga 30 day challenge for beginners!
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